However, in relinquishing your body as a living sacrifice, in giving up your rights to self and taking on a life led by the Holy Spirit, you gain so many windows of perspective, an extension to your former profoundly-limited vision. You begin to be able to discern things, a depth of perception that goes beyond the natural, beyond your circumstances.
You see, our bodies are like seeds, a cocoon of sorts. When you hold tight to your flesh, to your own will, that limits your sight. In laying claim to your rights to self, you will only have access to what is inside your small world of vision.
Unless you wholly give up your claim to your flesh, your own self interests, you will never experience the expansion of your prison-boundaries, true freedom in a Spirit-led life. And you will never bear the full expression of fruitfulness that comes from within, and that radiates without, the spirit life, which is of far more value than a life committed to self and the gratification of your flesh.
The flesh houses your spirit somewhat like a prison. We grow accustomed to our own prisons. We love to make them comfy and welcoming. It is difficult to relinquish that prison because it is all we have ever known, it is home to us, familiar, our little shell.
However, the life that we are meant to live, goes beyond the prison of our flesh, and the more we relinquish our rights to that prison, the more we are able to partake of the freedom that is available to us, in taking on a life led by the Spirit of God, the promised abundant life.
In return, you will begin to experience the fullness of all that God has for you. He wants you to experience His best for you, and that means not settling for anything less than or counterfeit to his perfect plan for your life, your Divine destiny…
There is a Kingdom life. There is Kingdom potential, within, accessible in this life, not only in the next. There are so many dimensions within us that are untapped. You truly have no concept of your potential in its entirety. It is unlimited, and “beyond anything you can ask or even think.”
There is a price to pay. You must “count the cost…”
Your life, all of it, any rights to self or what you might consider of value, you must be willing to give it all up, everything.
God sees hearts. He knows when you truly mean it…
If you are not willing to give it all up, you are not worthy of the Kingdom, and you are not worthy of Him.
Your prison, in exchange for the cross…